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Clubs and Activities

Throughout the school year we offer a range of after school Activity Clubs for children.  Activity clubs are run by outside organisations.  The clubs will change over the year, but here is a flavour of the clubs on offer.  If you want more information, please contact the school office.

  • Various Sports clubs - these change throughout the year
  • Street Dance (Monday after school)
  • Sports(Tuesday after school)
  • Creation Station Art Club (Thursday after school)

Choir Club: 

Our school choir club is offered to children from years 4-5. The choir meet on a Wednesday lunchtime on a weekly basis where we practise singing in harmony, identifying harmonic parts through singing pop songs and songs from musicals as a good starting point, building to explore a more diverse choral repertoire.

Singing builds confidence, stage presence, teamwork and music literacy. However, the most important part of being part of our choir club is to be in a fun, supportive and social environment.

Choir Club Event Dates:

  • Thame Festival of Christmas Music, Wednesday 4th December at 7pm at the Thame Lesiure Centre. Rehearsal on Sunday 1st December, at Thame Leisure Centre from 2.30pm – 3:45pm.  Please scroll down to access the all song and carol words.
  • Carols for the Church Thursday Club Christmas Lunch.
  • Carols in the playground, Thursday 12th December at 3.15pm


For St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
After School Club, see here

For St Joseph's Catholic Primary School
Breakfast Club, see here

If you have a particular skill you would like to share with the children, please get in touch with School