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At St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, we have created a topic-based approach that is grounded in gaining a deep understanding and a clear progression of skills. We believe that this approach will enable our students to develop a deep understanding of geographical concepts and skills that will prepare them for their future learning and possible future careers. Our curriculum is delivered through topics that are relevant and engaging to our children, which are supported by a progression of skills that builds upon each other throughout their time with us.

The skills progression in our geography curriculum is aligned with the National Curriculum and designed to support the development of a range of geographical skills. These skills include the ability to use maps and atlases, to interpret geographical data, to carry out fieldwork, to communicate geographical information, and to think critically about the impact of human activity on the environment. Our curriculum will ensure that each student has the opportunity to progress through these skills and to develop the confidence to apply them in a variety of contexts. By the end of their time with us, our students will be well-equipped to understand and engage with the complex and ever-changing world around them.

Our geography curriculum is designed to provide students with a broad and balanced understanding of the physical and human geography of the world. It is a ‘vehicle’ to help our children gain an understanding of the world in which they live – locally, nationally and globally. We will equip students with the skills and knowledge needed to navigate, interpret and analyse geographical data and to make informed decisions about global issues. Our curriculum will also enable students to develop an appreciation for the interconnectedness of people, places and environments and to recognise the impact of human actions on the planet.