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Our Team




Mrs E Sienkiewicz (Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Interim SENCO

Mrs H Skertchly (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead)

Acting Assistant Heads

Miss SJ Morrissey

Miss SJ Morrissey is a deputy designated safeguarding lead.

I have been a teacher for 9 years. I have had the privilege of working with some wonderful children throughout my career and supporting them and their families. I have enjoyed teaching early reading and phonics, and I really enjoy finding songs to incorporate in my lessons (despite my terrible singing). I have been part of the St Joseph's family for just over a year and I have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know the children and the families here.  




Mrs E Stinga


I have been involved in education for over 25 years and have always had a passion for teaching computing and maths. I love finding ways to help children understand mathematical concepts and enjoy celebrating that 'Eureka!' moment with them.  Although I have only been at this school for a short time, I have really been made to feel a part of the St. Joseph's family.




Mrs C Lloyd




Mrs J Dale (Mrs J Dale is a deputy designated safeguarding lead)

Year 1
Miss L Oakley







Mrs K Ogden

Hi, my name is Miss Ogden and I first decided to be a teacher at the age of 4! St Joseph's is very special to me as it feels like being part of one big family, which is why I have been here for over 20 years. I have taught various year groups over the years but during more recent years I have taught in KS1, I currently teach in Year 1.  I love helping children to learn and grow and sharing in those special moments where a new concept just 'clicks'. It is hard to pick a favourite subject to teach but I am very passionate about instilling a love of reading . It is a pleasure working at St Joseph's with children that are so kind, polite and eager to learn and with such supportive colleagues.

Year 2
Mr de Vletter

Somehow I have been a teacher for 10 years! In my career I have been fortunate enough to teach (just about) every year group across the primary spectrum, ranging from Reception to Year 6. I chose primary school teaching because I was (and still am) excited to have a class rather than just a subject... My passion stems from supporting and guiding children to be wholesome and well rounded individuals, both academically and socially, and helping them to 'find themselves' in these formative years of their development. I am proud to have been a part of the St. Joseph's family for almost 4 years, and privileged to be a small part in the life journey of many wonderful pupils here.



Miss SJ Morrissey
Year 3
Miss E Ogle


Year 4
Mr D Cluett


Year 5
Mrs R Naser


Year 6
Mrs S Bull

I have worked as a teacher for nineteen years, working across all year groups, although I have developed a passion for working with upper Key Stage 2. This is my fifth year at St. Joseph's Catholic Primary School, following previous roles in a large three-form entry school in outer London, where I taught Years 5 and 6, and a rural half-form entry school in Oxfordshire, where I worked with Years 1-6. Before becoming a teacher, my background was in music as a violinist, and I am eager to share my love for music and instrumental learning with the children of St. Joseph’s.



Mrs E Stinga



HLTA (Higher Level Teaching Assistant)
Miss J Cory 

Miss Cory is a deputy designated safeguarding lead.

Teaching Assistants
Mr A Roff
Mrs C Hawkins
Miss G Harris
Mrs H Barnett
Mr J Davie
Mrs M Boeke
Mrs M Holland

Miss Williamson

Mrs Pearce

Lunchtime Supervisors
Mrs P Collinge
Mr J Davie


Kitchen Staff
Mrs Pantanella-Dunn
Miss Lacey


Breakfast Club
Mrs C Hawkins
Miss G Harris


After School Club
Mrs M Holland

Mrs S Heath (Deputy designated safeguarding officer)

Mrs Z Cousins

School Business Manager
Mrs D Marban

Deputy designated safeguarding lead

Finance Officer
Mrs H Spurgeon


School Adminstrator Mrs A Goodfellow