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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2.

Our class is taught by Miss Ogden and Miss Oakley, our class TA is Miss Hatfield and Miss Harvey covers PPA time.

Please note that during 6, PE will be on a Thursday so please can children have PE kits on this day.

  • Homework will be given out each Friday and should be back in school by the following Wednesday please.
  • Spellings will also go out on a Friday and spelling tests will take place the following Friday.
  • Children should have their reading books and reading records in school every day and please record when you hear your child read in the reading records.  Reading books will be changed each Wednesday.

Our school trip to Cotswold Wildlife Park will take place on Tuesday 18th June 2024, please look out for information about this coming out this week!

We are looking forward to our final term of Year 2 with your amazing children, we can't believe we are at Term 6 already!

Please see below our topic web for Summer, Term 2 - On Safari.

Miss Ogden and Miss Oakley.


Topic Web Summer Term 2 - On Safari.




Common Exception Words Year 2

Phonic Sounds Set 1, 2 and 3

Useful phonics links:

BBC Super Movers - Help to learn your times tables through singing and dance