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Year 3

Welcome to Year 3! Our class teacher is Miss Ogle and our teaching assistant is Mrs Hawkins. Mrs Taylor will be teaching the class on Thursdays.

Please note that during our third term, PE will be held on Wednesdays, so please make sure children come dressed in PE kit on this day. Children will be asked to remove jewellery, including watches, during PE lessons. 

On Tuesday afternoons this term, the children will be having their turn at Forest School! Please ensure they wear clothes that are okay to get muddy on this day. Please send trainers/wellies for forest school in a separate bag for them to change into. 

Please see the Topic web below for Spring, Term 1.


Our Amazon wishlist -


Homework will be given out each Friday and should be back in school by the following Wednesday. Homework will be based on the learning that has taken place that week. It may include reading comprehension, maths activities or something around our History, Geography or Science work.

Spellings will also be given out on Fridays. Children can practice their spellings through EdShed and progress at their own pace. Logins will be found inside their reading records for ease. 

Children should have their reading records every day. The children should make notes on what they enjoyed or didn’t enjoy about each part of the book they read. If possible, the children will record this themselves, but if they need support scribing, you may do this for them. Books will be changed regularly as children complete the book they’re reading. 


Homework links


Other useful links: