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Year 5

Welcome to Term 6 in Year 5. Our teachers are Mrs Bull and Mrs Farrell.

This term we are learning all about Rainforests, where we will identify the continents hosting rainforests, and grasp the significance of rainforests for Earth’s rich biodiversity, looking at the different layers of the rainforest and the unique organisms that inhabit each layer.  Through creating visual representations of rainforest layers, such as a habitat diorama, we will deepen our knowledge of the intricate rainforest ecosystems. 

In English, we will be studying different writing genres through the class text, ‘Darwin's Dragons' by Lindsay Gavin, and in Maths we are learning about key arithmetic skills, fractions, converting units of measure and angles.  

Our PE day for this term is Monday. Please could the children come to school dressed in their PE kit on this day. We will also continue our swimming lessons at the Thame Leisure Centre on a Thursday morning, so please remember swim kits, towel, hat and goggles on a Thursday. 

Our school values this term are intentional and prophetic, and the children will be encouraged and be given house points to demonstrate these values every day in school. 

Topic Web


Homework will be sent home on a Friday and is due back by the following Wednesday. Each week the children must try to read for at least twenty minutes every day, practice their weekly spellings, practice their multiplication tables, complete a piece of grammar and punctuation homework using or on a paper worksheet in their books. They will also be given either a reading comprehension task or a maths skills-based activity. Additionally, the children must complete one activity from the homework grid each week. 

Weekly Spellings for Term 6:

Year 5 Recommended Reading Lists:

Year 5 and 6 Spelling List:

SpellingWordList_Y5-6.pdf ( 

Year 3 and 4 Spelling List:

SpellingWordList_Y3-4.pdf ( 

Times Tables Rock Stars:

Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (

BBC Super Movers: