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"Inspired by Christ"

There is a clear focus on learning. Warm relationships across the school support pupils well as they strive to meet leaders’ high expectations.

A sense of everyone working together and supporting each other pervades.

"Just wanted to feedback on the fabulous sports day. Inclusive, positive and so well organised. The children were an absolute credit to the St Joseph's team."

Welcome to our school website

Welcome to our website.  We hope it provides you with the information you need about St Joesph's Catholic Primary School in Thame. 

St Joseph's is a warm and vibrant school that offers a broad and balanced education to children aged 4-11 years from the local community, and this warmth was recognised by Ofsted in their visit to the school earlier this year.  They noted that:

  •  Pupils treat each other with kindness. This helps them feel happy and safe
  •  Lessons buzz with discussions about learning
  •  Corridors are calm. Breaktimes and lunchtimes are a blaze of activity
  •  The wider personal development of pupils is a strength
  •  Staff have high expectations for pupils… As a result, everyone is encouraged to do their best. 
  •  Children thrive in the vibrant early years provision
  •  Early reading is taught well. As soon as they join, children learn to read. This unlocks other crucial areas of learning. Children read books that are matched to the sounds that they know. This ensures that knowledge builds carefully step by step
  •  The support for pupils with SEND is strong. Pupils’ needs are identified accurately. Staff use this information to provide highly skilled support in lessons. These pupils benefit from the high-quality support that meets their individual needs very effectively
  •  Behaviour is strong throughout the school. Attitudes to learning are extremely positive
  •  Pupils benefit from a myriad of opportunities designed to develop talents and interests, such as singing in the popular school choir, street dance, sports clubs and learning a musical instrument
  •  Staff feel valued and are extremely loyal to the school
  •  One parent, whose comments were typical of many, said, ‘My children are incredibly happy at the school and relish going in each day. All the staff are friendly and supportive and really get to know the children well.’

Click HERE to read the full report. 

We welcome children from across the community, including those from Catholic families and non-Catholic families. If you are looking to choose a school for your child, please see the wide range of information on this website, but do not hesitate to make an appointment to visit the school and meet us.

The school is part of the Parish of St Joseph's Thame, and the strong relationship between parish and school adds considerably to the caring and inclusive ethos. 

We look forward to meeting you and welcoming you to our wonderful school.


Mrs E Sienkiewicz


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